Research Article
Open Access
Effectiveness of planned teaching program on knowledge regarding breast feeding among postnatal mothers in Sohawal Village, Satna, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Prof. Latha P,
Suman Singh Parihar,
Reenu Patil
Pages 117 - 121
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Background: Breast milk is the best source of nutrition for the baby and appropriate feeding practice is very much important for survival, growth, development, and nutrition of infant and children. Inappropriate feeding practice leads to a crucial issue of infant’s mortality due to malnutrition and diarrheal problem. Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching program on knowledge regarding breast feeding among postnatal mothers. Objectives: 1.To assess the pre-existing knowledge of mothers regarding exclusive breastfeeding. 2. To evaluate effectiveness of Planned teaching program on knowledge regarding exclusive breastfeeding among postnatal mothers. 3. To find out association between pre-existing knowledge and selected demographic variables. Methodology: 30 postnatal mothers from Sohawal Village, District Satna, M.P. were selected by using purposive sampling technique. Conclusion: The study is concluded that most of the mothers had low level of knowledge regarding exclusive breastfeeding. Also, it can be concluded that the awareness program was found effective to increase in the knowledge level of mothers and improve in practice of exclusive breastfeeding.
Research Article
Open Access
Effectiveness of self-instructional module (SIM) on knowledge regarding female feticide among primigravida mothers at Rampur Village, Satna, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Prof. Latha P,
Mahalakshmi K,
Jayanthi C
Pages 113 - 116
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Background: In Indian society, female foeticide has emerged as a burning social problem during the last few decades, the girl child in India as treated right from her birth as an additional burden an extra mouth to feed a liability and another of males in general. Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of self-instructional module on knowledge regarding female feticide among primigravida mothers. Objectives: 1. To assess the pre-existing primigravida knowledge of mothers regarding female foeticide. 2. To evaluate effectiveness of self-instructional module on knowledge regarding female foeticide among primigravida mothers.3.To find out association between pre-existing knowledge and selected demographic variables. Methodology: 40 primigravida mothers from Rampur Village, District Satna, were selected by using purposive sampling technique. Conclusion: The study is concluded that, most of the primigravida mothers had developed knowledge after the administration of planned teaching program. Hence, it can be concluded that the awareness program was found effective to increase in the knowledge level of mothers on female foeticide.
Review Article
Open Access
Examining The Complexities of Oral Microbiome: Recent Advancement and Challenges to Control from Pathology to Growth
Umama Yezdani,
Abdulaziz Jaza Masuod Aldubiani,
Naif Jumayan Aljabri,
Mohammed Abdullah Alharbi,
Bader Baraki Zwaid Al-Shalawi Al-Harthi
Pages 98 - 112
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The oral microbiome, a complex ecosystem comprising oral bacteria, plays a significant role in both oral health and overall health. This comprehensive review examined various aspects of the oral microbiome, including its influence on pathology and development. Disruptions to this equilibrium can result in dysbiosis, leading to a range of oral diseases such as tooth decay, periodontitis, and oral cancer. The mechanisms that cause microbial diseases, including microbial virulence, host immunity, and environmental factors, have been extensively explored. The oral microbiome has also been discussed as a diagnostic tool, shedding light on its potential as a biomarker and therapeutic target for systemic diseases. The diversity and composition of the oral microbiome are shaped by various internal factors, such as dietary patterns, oral hygiene, and genetics, as well as external factors, such as antibiotic use, smoking, and aging. This review examines the complex interactions between microbial colonization, succession, and persistence and the impact of these factors on the stability and function of the oral microbiome. Advances in technology, including high-throughput sequencing and metagenomic analysis, have greatly enhanced our understanding of the structure and function of oral microbial communities. These innovations allowed us to investigate microbial interactions associated with health and disease states, paving the way for personalized oral health strategies for individual patients. This review provides an overview of growth factors and their interactions in the oral microbiome with the aim of improving the understanding of oral diseases and facilitating the development of intervention plans to enhance oral health.
Research Article
Open Access
Effectiveness of Deep Water Running and Muscular Endurance Training on Running in Athlete with Post Posterior Tibial Stress Fracture
Arumugam Sankara Subramanian,
Rajesh Kannan Karuppaiyan,
Shanmugam Senthil,
Raju Jayabharathi,
Pradeepa Mani,
Sivakumar chinnusamy
Pages 93 - 97
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Background of The Study: Stress fractures refer to fractures occurring in the bone due to a mismatch of bone strength and chronic mechanical stress placed upon the bone. Stress fractures represent a spectrum of injuries ranging from periostitis, caused by inflammation of periosteum, to a complete stress fracture that includes a full cortical break. Prevalence of tibial stress fracture is greater in high impact activities like running sports. Some reports indicate that up to 20% of elite runners may suffer from some sort of stress fracture. Incidence in National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCCA) athletic populations is reported at around 5.7 stress fracture per 1,00,000 athletic encounters, although this rate is significantly higher in (>20/1,00,000). The tibia is implicated in between 20% and 60% of stress injuries, depending of the sport and level of play. Age- Tibial stress fracture often presents in young adults, active patients but may occur in patients of all age. Sex- evidence suggests that stress fracture common in females than males. Stress fracture is the most common injury occurs in athletes that leads to severe pain, swelling, limited mobility and reduced performance. The purpose of the study was Deep water running training and muscular endurance training showed improve running in post posterior tibial stress fracture in athlete. Objectives: The study’s primary objective was to find out the effectiveness of deep water running and muscular endurance training on running in athlete with post posterior tibial stress fracture Subjects And Methods: This is a single case study, in which a 17 year old male involved in high school athletics middle distance running had a history of pain for 3 weeks along with training. He was diagnosed with posterior tibial stress fracture. He had given the deep water running training and muscular endurance training. The pre and post- test values are taken using cooper’s test and University of Wisconsin Running Injury and Recovery Index (UWRI). The treatment duration was 8weeks. Result: The pre and post-test values was taken using University of Wisconsin Running and Recovery Index (UWRI) was 4 and 36. The 2nd week and post-test values of coopers test were 800m and 3000m.Hence, the statistical report states that there were significant increases of running capacity in an athlete with post posterior tibial stress fracture. Conclusion: Hence, it concluded that after 8 weeks of treatment there was statistically significant in the application of deep water running training and muscular endurance training in improving the running capacity in athlete with post posterior tibial stress fracture. Clinical Implication: Deep water running training and muscular endurance training are found to produce significant effect to manage running in athlete with post posterior tibial stress.
Research Article
Open Access
Effectiveness of Mckenzie’s Method and Kinesiotapingon Pain and Neck Range of Motion In Upper Cross Syndrome Subjects
S. A. Karthikeyan,
Aswin Kumar Subramanian,
Nithya Ramanathan,
Mohanraj Kandasamy,
C. K. Muralidharan,
Sivakumar chinnusamy
Pages 87 - 92
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Background of The Study: Upper cross syndrome (UCS) is also referred to as proximal or shoulder girdle crossed syndrome. In upper cross syndrome, tightness of the upper trapezius and levator scapula on the dorsal side crosses with tightness of the pectoralis major and minor. Weakness of the deep cervical flexors ventrally crosses with weakness of the middle and lower trapezius. Objectives: The study’s primary objective was to find out the effectiveness of Mckenzie exercise and kinesiotaping on upper cross syndrome. Subjects and Methodology: This experimental study based on 15 subjects with upper cross syndrome was selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria with the age of 20 to 35 years. The selected subjects were received McKenzie exercise and kinesiotaping. The subjects were received intervention progressively for 6 weeks. It is a simple experimental study with purposive sampling technique. Before starting the study, the pre score value of pain was measured by visual analogue scale (VAS). After 6 weeks the post score was measured by using same measurement tool and the data were recorded and analyzed using paired ‘t’ test. Results: The statistical analysis shows pre mean value and SD for pain was 6.8 and 0.86 and post mean value and SD for pain was 2.2 and 0.51 respectively. The statistical analysis of paired t value was 22.3 and the level of significance p<0.05 which that there was statistically improvement in the group. The statistical analysis shows pre mean value and SD for functional ability was 10.2 and 1.74 and post mean value and SD is 16.33 and 2.81 respectively. The statistical analysis of paired ‘t’ value is 7.16 and the level of significance p<0.05 which that there was statistically improvement in the group. Thus, the result state that there calculated ‘t’ values of pain and functional ability was greater than the table value showing. Conclusion: This study concluded that there was significant reduction in pain and improvement in functional ability after the application of McKenzie exercise and kinesiotaping in upper cross syndrome subjects. Clinical Implications: Mckenzie exercise and kinesiotaping is found to produce a significant effect to manage upper cross syndrome.
Research Article
Open Access
Effectiveness of Schroth and Pilates Exercises Vs Schroth and Vojta Therapy on Cobb Angle, Angle of Trunk Rotation, Chest Expansion and Quality of Life Among Adolescents with Idiopathic Scoliosis
Gunasekaran Mythili,
Arumugam Sankara Subramanian,
S. A. Karthikeyan,
Shanmugam Senthil,
Mohanraj Kandasamy,
Sivakumar chinnusamy
Pages 79 - 86
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Background: Scoliosis is defined as the lateral curvature of the spine in the upright position. It is a deformity affecting spine in all three planes. In most of the cases the exact cause of the scoliosis is unclear and is more commonly seen in girls in the adolescent age group. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis presents with a deformity of the back, unequal shoulder levels, waistline asymmetry and a rib cage prominence. Objectives: The study’s primary objective was to find out the effectiveness of Schroth and Pilates exercises versus Schroth and Vojta therapy on Cobb angle, Angle of trunk rotation, Chest expansion and Quality of life among Adolescents with Idiopathic Scoliosis. Subjects and methods: A pre-test, post-test comparative study design was used .A criterion-based randomized sampling was used to recruit adolescents with Idiopathic scoliosis (N=30) and they were divided into two treatment groups by using lot method. GROUP A consisted of 15 adolescents and they received Schroth and Pilates exercises whereas GROUP B also consisted of 15 adolescents but they received Schroth and Vojta therapy. Both the groups received the interventions for 5 days in a week for 12 weeks. The efficacy of treatment for Cobb angle, Angle of trunk rotation, Chest expansion and Quality of life were measured through X-ray, Bunnell scoliometer, measuring tape and SRS-22r questionnaire respectively. Both paired and unpaired‘t’ test was employed to study the treatment effectiveness. A p-value<0.05 was considered ‘significant’. Result: The resultant of this study shows that there were improvements in both the groups eventually but Group A, which was exposed to the treatment combinations of Schroth and Pilates exercises showed better improvement in Cobb angle (mean difference 19.13), Angle of trunk rotation (mean difference 5.33), Chest expansion at N1,N2,N3 level (mean difference 5.56, 5.3, 5.3 respectively) and Quality of life (mean difference 4.67) than the Group B, that was exposed to the treatment combinations of Schroth and Vojta therapy at 0.05 levels of significance. Conclusion: Both the groups showed significant improvement in Cobb angle, Angle of trunk rotation, Chest expansion and Quality of life after the application of Schroth and Pilates exercises for group A and Schroth and Vojta therapy for group B for a period of 12 weeks. But comparatively Group A (Schroth and Pilates exercises) showed significant improvement in Cobb angle, Angle of trunk rotation, Chest expansion and Quality of life than Group B (Schroth and Vojta therapy). Clinical implications: Schroth and Pilates exercises is found to produce better improvement in Cobb angle, Angle of trunk rotation, Chest expansion and Quality of life when compared to Schroth and Vojta therapy in Adolescents with Idiopathic Scoliosis.
Research Article
Open Access
DMF Ameliorate Myocardial Damage in Rat Model of Polymicrobial Sepsis Induced by CLP
Ali H. Hussein,
Amani Salam Abbood,
Hussein Aziz Naser,
Saif M. Hassan
Pages 75 - 78
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Sepsis leads to life-threatening multiorgan failure, representing a serious healthcare problem with significant morbidity and mortality rates worldwide. Cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) in rodents is one of the most widely used models for experimental polymicrobial sepsis. In this study, we investigate the role of dimethyl fumarate (DMF), an FDA-approved anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory agent, in mitigating the devastating consequences of sepsis on heart tissues. Four groups of rats were used in this work: the sham group (no sepsis), the control group (CLP only), the solvent group (DMSO i.p. injected before CLP), and the treatment group (DMF i.p. injected before CLP). Our data revealed that DMF lowered the pro-inflammatory markers NF-\(\kappa\)B, TNF-\(\alpha\), and TLRs, compared to the solvent-only group or the control group. Histopathological examination of the heart tissues revealed favorable tissue integrity in the DMF-pretreated group compared to the solvent-only group or the control group. The results suggest that DMF could potentially lower the risk of heart tissue damage due to sepsis.
Research Article
Open Access
Survey Study of Multidrug-Resistant, Extensively Drug-Resistant and Pan drug-Resistant Bacteria: Different Clinical Isolates from Hospitals in Najaf City, Iraq
Rawaa Behlul,
Emad Saqiq Ali,
Raad Abdulameer Alasady,
Rasha Fadhel Obaid,
Zainab Muhammed Jafar,
Hussein Aziz Naser,
Shamaa Jabber Gaiad,
Ali Saleem Abdulridha Aridhee,
Aula Zaini,
Heider Qassam,
Najah Hadi
Pages 70 - 74
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Morbidity and mortality rates due to antimicrobial resistance have been increasing worldwide as a result of the inappropriate use of antimicrobial agents. Hence, understanding and increasing the data about antimicrobial resistance in clinical settings help reduce the risk of resistance and treat patients with more selective antimicrobial agents. Aim: This study aims to examine the clinical isolates that are resistant to nearly all categories of antimicrobials and investigate the frequency of multidrug-resistant (MDR), extensively drug-resistant (XDR), and pan drug-resistant (PDR) bacteria in health centers and hospitals in Najaf city, Iraq. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted at the University of Kufa from September 2022 to December 2022. Samples from urine, semen, ear swab, human vaginal swab, wound, sputum, and throat were isolated, and bacterial species were identified according to standard methods. Results: A total of 165 isolates were from 42 (25.4% male) and 123 (74.5% female). Predominant organisms isolated from specimens included Escherichia coli (28%), Streptococcus saprophyticus (26%), and Staphylococcus aureus (20%). Out of 165 specimens, 126 (76.36%), 6 (3.6%), and 2 (1.2%) were classified as MDR, XDR, and PDR, respectively. The majority of MDR isolates were 54 (40.29%) from urine and 31 (23.13%) from vaginal swab. Conclusion: Most of the samples were categorized as MDR bacteria. Additionally, Escherichia coli, Streptococcus saprophyticus, and Staphylococcus aureus were observed at elevated occurrence rates.
Research Article
Open Access
Evaluation of Nurses’ Practices and Perceived Barriers Related to Pain Assessment in Critically Ill Patients at Baghdad Teaching Hospitals
Haider Mohammed Majeed,
Ahmed F. Hassan,
Aqeel Habeeb Jasim,
Ali Hussein Alek Al-Ganmi
Pages 64 - 69
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Introduction: Inadequate pain assessment and management is a problem in hospitalized patients that impairs their wellbeing. Intensive care unit nurses’ pain practices are affected by several barriers and enablers. Objectives: The objectives of this study were to determine the level of nurses’ practices and perceived barriers related to pain assessment in critically ill patients. Methodology: A cross-sectional design study was used. Purposive sampling technique was employed, including 100 nurses recruited from 8 intensive care units in Baghdad city, Iraq. The study was conducted from September 1st to October 20th, 2022. The pain assessment and management for critically ill patients survey was used to collect data. Descriptive statistics, Spearman correlation, and chi-square tests were used to analyze the data. Results: The findings of the current study indicate that nearly half (49%) of the respondents were in the age group of 28-37 years old, with a mean age of 33.73±7.045 years. Three-quarters of the respondents were males and the rest were female. The majority (63%) of the respondents held a bachelor’s degree in nursing. More than three-quarters (76%) of the respondents were married. The majority (31%) of the respondents had 6-10 years of service experience in nursing, and most of them had 1-5 years of experience as a nurse in the intensive care unit. Finally, a high percentage of nurses had training courses about pain assessment and management. Conclusions: This study allowed us to recognize the nurse’s practices and the barriers to effective pain assessment and management. The analysis showed that critical care nurses had an acceptable practice level related to pain assessment and management in critically ill patients. Insufficient numbers of nursing staff, workload, and poor communication were identified as common factors that negatively influenced effective pain management.
Research Article
Open Access
Clinico-Demographic Profile of Term Newborns Admitted with Respiratory Distress at a Tertiary Hospital in India
Jayesh P Yadav,
Sandeep Chauhan,
Alka Agrawal,
Vishal Dnyaneshwar Sawant
Pages 59 - 63
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Background: Respiratory distress (RD) is the most common cause of morbidity and mortality in newborns. Over the last three decades, significant improvements have been introduced to decrease the incidence, severity, and mortality of neonatal RD. This study aims to analyze the clinical and demographic profile of term newborns with RD and to explore associated risk factors and co-morbidities. Methods: This analytical cross-sectional study included 250 term newborns (gestational age: 37 to 42 weeks) diagnosed with RD. The study was conducted at the Department of Pediatrics, Santosh Medical College, over a one-year period from June 2018 to June 2019. Results: The male-to-female ratio was 1.7:1. Among the admissions, 65% were term pregnancies and 35% were late-term pregnancies. Severe RD was observed in 10% of newborns, while 35% had moderate RD. There was a significant correlation between gestational period and RD severity (P = 0.024), and hospital stay also exhibited a significant association with RD severity (P = 0.001). Meconium-stained amniotic fluid was the most common maternal risk factor (25%), while sepsis was the most prevalent co-morbidity (23%). Transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTNB) was the leading cause of RD, accounting for 47% of cases. Conclusions: A comprehensive clinical assessment and appropriate investigations are vital for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment of infants with RD. Swift identification of severe underlying conditions is essential for improving outcomes.
Research Article
Open Access
Etanercept Ameliorated cerebral Damage During Global Cerebral Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Male Rats
Saif M. Hassan,
Hajer Alaa Obeid,
Iman Sabeeh Hasan,
Ashwaq Najemaldeen Abbas
Pages 53 - 58
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Background: Ischemic cerebrovascular conditions lead to brain tissue oxygen depletion, triggering activation and infiltration of inflammatory cells and immunological reactions. Reperfusion induces the release of reactive oxygen species (ROS), triggered by therapeutic recanalization or natural thrombus disintegration. Method: Rats were divided into four groups after a week of acclimatization:
- Sham group: No occlusion of common carotid arteries after general anesthesia.
- Ischemic-reperfused control group: General anesthesia, followed by 30 minutes of common carotid artery occlusion and one hour of reperfusion without drugs.
- Vehicle group: Similar to control group but with intraperitoneal (i.p.) administration of DMSO 30 minutes prior to ischemia.
- Etanercept group: Identical procedure as control, with additional intraperitoneal (i.p.) administration of etanercept (50 mg/kg) 30 minutes before ischemia.
Results: Etanercept groups showed significant reduction in NF-kB and TLRs (2 and 4) compared to control (\(P < 0.05\)). Histologically, brain tissue lesions were reduced in etanercept groups compared to control and vehicle groups (\(P < 0.05\)). Conclusion: Etanercept exhibits neuroprotective effect against cerebral I/R injury by down-regulating TNF-\(\alpha\) protein and inflammation TLRs.
Research Article
Open Access
Design, Synthesis, in Vitro and Molecular Dynamic Study of Antifungal Activity of the Alcoholic Extract of Sygysium aromaticum in Comparison to Some New Sulphonamide Derivatives
Suhad Sami Humadi,
Samir Mohamed Awad,
Mohamed Fathy El-Shehery,
Ahmed Abd Elkader El-Rashedy,
Yara Essam Mansour,
Saif M. Hassan
Pages 45 - 52
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Five synthetic 2-Thiouracil-5-sulphonamides were evaluated as antifungal agents against the same fungal isolates. Their synergistic effect with clove extract was assessed in an attempt to formulate a potential combination therapy for the future. The goal was to evaluate whether thiouracil derivatives and clove extract can enhance antifungal activity against drug-resistant strains of locally isolated fungi. Both natural and synthetic samples were tested against fungal isolates including Geotrichum candidum, Alternaria alternata, Fusarium oxysporum, and Mucorhiemalis, which are responsible for infections in potato and tomato plants. Clove extract demonstrated varying potent wide-spectrum activity against all fungal isolates, while the effectiveness of thiouracil derivatives depended on their chemical structures. Compounds 3b and 3e exhibited the most potent antifungal activity and showed a broad spectrum of effectiveness. Compound 3d displayed moderate antifungal activity compared to clove extract, while compound 3a exhibited weaker activity and was inactive against F. oxysporum and G. candidum. Compound 3c displayed the weakest antifungal activity and was inactive against A. alternata, F. oxysporum, and G. candidum. Both clove extract and 3e demonstrated synergistic antifungal activity. Moreover, the combination of clove extract and 2-thiouracil-5-sulphonamides displayed variable antifungal activity, suggesting the potential for synergistic effects in their activity.
Research Article
Open Access
Obstetrics Outcome in Preterm Premature Rupture of Membrane
Lina Baru,
Satyanarayan Behera,
Pragyan Parimita Kalsai
Pages 41 - 44
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Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes (PPROM) is defined as the spontaneous rupture of fetal membranes before 37 completed weeks of gestation and before the onset of labor. The incidence of PPROM is around 2-3% of all pregnancies, and it complicates about 3% of pregnancies, leading to 30%-40% of premature births. PPROM can result in significant morbidity and mortality, causing various complications such as sepsis, pulmonary hypoplasia, chorioamnionitis, and necessitating Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) admissions. This study aimed to investigate the perinatal and maternal outcomes in cases of PPROM. In this study, PPROM was observed in 47% of cases in the age group of 20-25 years. Among the patients admitted with PPROM, 70% were primigravida. Breech presentation was the most common risk factor, followed by previous pregnancy, polyhydramnios, urinary tract infection, and history of recent coitus. The most common organism identified was E. coli (11.76%). Maternal complications included puerperal pyrexia (23.53%), chorioamnionitis (17.65%), abruption placentae (5.88%), and wound infection (5.8%). Approximately 52% of the admitted babies experienced neonatal morbidity, with respiratory distress syndrome being the most prevalent (17%), followed by jaundice (11%), septicemia (5.88%), and intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) (5.88%). Among the 85 cases studied, 10 neonatal deaths were recorded, accounting for 11% of the cases.
Research Article
Open Access
Correlation between Diabetes Mellitus and Dyslipidemia Incidence in Center of Iraq
Saly Naser Abbas,
Tahreer Shannan Alwan,
Saif M. Hassan
Pages 38 - 40
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Background: Dyslipidemia is more common in individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2DM), increasing their susceptibility to cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). This study aims to investigate the association between serum lipid profile and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), and the significance of HbA1c as a marker of dyslipidemia in T2DM. Method: A retrospective cross-sectional study enrolled 500 patients from the Center of Diabetes and Endocrine Glands in Karbala, Iraq. Participants were selected if they had regular visits with their doctors and up-to-date data in the system. Results: Among the participants, 230 (46.0%) were male and 270 (54.01%) were female, with an age range of 40-49 years representing the highest proportion (36.8%). Out of the participants, 278 (55.6%) had severely elevated HbA1c (=10%), and half of them had moderately elevated (250-299 mg/dL) random blood sugar levels. Among the total participants, 98 (42.6%) were males, with 36 (15.7%) of them being 50 years old or older. Among females, a total of 86 (31.9%) were within the age range of 40-49 years. Regarding marital status, 33 (46.5%) were single, out of which 17 (23.9%) were within the age range of 20-29 years. Among the married participants (151 in total, representing 35.5% of the total), the majority (53, 12.5% of the married participants) were aged 50 or older. Conclusion: HbA1c exhibits a direct and significant correlation with total cholesterol within the lipid profile.
Research Article
Open Access
Fetomaternal Outcomes in Epidural Analgesia during Labour: A Double-Arm Randomised Control Study
Ojaswini Patel,
Sharmila Pradhan,
Santosh Kumar Dora,
Sasmita Kumari Sahu,
Atal Bihari Dandapat
Pages 34 - 37
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Background: Childbirth is without a doubt the most horrific process a woman will ever go through. Analgesia during labor that is both effective and safe has always been a source of contention, as have misconceptions and debates surrounding labor pain management. The goal of this study was to determine the effects of EA on the woman and embryo during labor, as well as to compare the fetomaternal outcomes of the control and epidural groups. Materials and procedures: The current study was a two-year, double-arm, randomized control trial that took place in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, VIMSAR, Burla, between November 2018 and October 2020. Before joining in the experiment, all participants provided written informed consent, and strict confidentiality was maintained over all relevant patient data throughout the inquiry. Results: The results showed that epidural pain treatment had no effect on the length of the second stage of labor, which was the same in both groups (p=0.1). Cesarean section was used by 7.3% of the analgesic cohort. 50% of the women had prolonged labor, 25% had fetal discomfort, and 25% had a deep transverse stop. Because their newborns were in danger, three of the 55 expecting women in the control group were taken to the hospital for emergency caesarean sections. Conclusion: We may conclude that lumbar EA in the hands of a skilled expert provides a technique of safe analgesia, allowing us to recommend for its use in all women experiencing ordinary labor.
Research Article
Open Access
To Evaluate the Clinical and Laboratory Profiles of Patients with Abdominal Tuberculosis in Western Odisha
Manoranjan Naik,
Pravash Chandra Sahu,
Kshetra Mohan Tudu,
Dr. Balaram Khamari
Pages 24 - 28
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Background: Tuberculosis (TB), caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) complex bacteria, is one of the oldest diseases known to affect humans and the leading cause of mortality worldwide. Milk contaminated with Mycobacterium bovis (reservoir cattle) can transmit tuberculosis to the gastrointestinal tract. TB can affect any portion of the digestive tract, from the buccal cavity to the anus, pancreato-biliary tree, and peritoneum. The peritoneum and ileocecal regions were most frequently affected. Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the clinical and laboratory profiles of patients with abdominal tuberculosis. Materials & Methods: The current study was conducted at the VSS Institute of Medical Sciences and Research (VIMSAR), Burla, located at 21.5027\(^o\) N and 83.8865\(^o\) E in western Odisha, India, after receiving approval from the Institutional Ethics Committee. Outdoor (OPD) and indoor (IPD) patients of the Division of General Medicine, VIMSAR, Burla The duration of the research was from November 2019 to October 2021 (24 months). This was a cross-sectional study. All patients were admitted to the Department of General Medicine with suspected abdominal tuberculosis. Results: The distribution of socioeconomic status in the study population according to the modified Kuppuswamy scale was predominated by the upper lower class IV population (60.3%), followed by the lower middle group (26%); only 13.7% belonged to class II of the upper middle group. The residential patterns showed that 74% of the cases belonged to the rural population, whereas only 26% lived in urban areas. Anemia was the major finding in comments on peripheral smear examination in 74.2% of the population and pancytopenia in 10.6% of cases. A minimum number of patients (4.5%) had a normal peripheral smear. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate by the Westergren method was increased in 87.7% of cases, and the rest of the population was within the normal range. Conclusion: This study has once again shown how common tuberculosis is in our country, particularly in underdeveloped Western Odisha, due to lack of hygiene and poverty. Abdominal tuberculosis has undergone modification over time because of the rampant and improper use of antibiotics and other drugs, thus creating a clinical dilemma. The irregularity of daily drug intake is another factor leading to the emergence of drug-resistant organisms.
Research Article
Open Access
Relationship between Folic Acid and Both Anxiety and Depression During Pregnancy
Ali S. Chobok,
Salam W. Ahjel,
Saif M. Hassan
Pages 18 - 23
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Depression and anxiety often coexist during pregnancy, potentially increasing the risk of adverse delivery outcomes like preterm birth and low birth weight. However, our understanding of the frequency, patterns, and factors influencing comorbid anxiety and depression is limited, especially in low- and middle-income countries. This study aims to: (1) explore the prevalence and patterns of prenatal anxiety and depressive symptoms among pregnant women in the mild-to-severe and moderate-to-severe categories; (2) examine the prevalence and patterns of antenatal anxiety and depressive symptoms among pregnant women in the mild-to-severe category; (3) investigate the association between frequent folic acid use and prenatal anxiety and depression symptoms. The study adopted a retrospective cohort approach and enrolled a diverse sample of 500 pregnant women receiving care at the Women and Children’s Hospital in various locations across the center and south of Iraq. Results indicated that women who did not consume folic acid during pregnancy exhibited higher rates of comorbid anxiety and depression. Specifically, this pattern was observed among women in the age range of 20 to 29 years, those with a university degree, and those who had more than two previous children.
Research Article
Open Access
Etanercept Mitigated Renal Injury in Male Rats Undergoing Global Renal Ischemia-Reperfusion
Ashwaq Najemaldeen Abbas,
Fatimah Mohammed Saeed Mahdi,
Aumaima Tariq Abed,
Saif M. Hassan
Pages 13 - 17
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Introduction: The kidneys are vulnerable to injury from ischemia-reperfusion (IR), a process that triggers inflammation and apoptosis, primarily mediated by tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha. Numerous studies have investigated renal damage in this context. Etanercept, a soluble receptor for TNF-alpha, has demonstrated anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic properties. This study aims to assess the potential of etanercept in mitigating experimental renal IR injury and its capacity to protect against widespread renal ischemia/reperfusion injury. Methods: Male Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were classified into four groups: sham, DMSO-treated, etanercept-treated, DMSO-treated IR, and etanercept-treated IR groups. After 24 hours following IR injury, renal levels of TNF-alpha and TLRs (Toll-like receptors) were assessed using ELISA and IHC methods, respectively. Histopathological analysis was employed to quantify the extent of renal cell injury. Results: Etanercept treatment significantly lowered tissue levels of TNF-alpha and TLRs in IR-damaged rats compared to DMSO-treated IR rats. Kidneys of DMSO-treated IR rats exhibited substantially elevated levels of TNF-alpha and TLRs when compared to DMSO-treated sham rats. Conversely, etanercept-treated IR rats displayed significantly reduced levels of TNF-alpha and TLRs compared to DMSO-treated IR rats. Pre-treatment with etanercept significantly alleviated the extent of damage in IR-injured rats compared to the control and DMSO groups. Etanercept further promoted the downregulation of TLRs and TNF-alpha, thereby enhancing resistance to renal damage during IR. Conclusion: In conclusion, etanercept shows promise in providing protection against renal ischemia-reperfusion injury by mitigating inflammation and apoptosis, as evidenced by reductions in TNF-alpha and TLR levels. This suggests its potential as a therapeutic intervention to mitigate renal damage resulting from ischemia-reperfusion injury.
Research Article
Open Access
Application of the Caffeine in Antiviral Medications through Polynomials and Topological Descriptors
Zeeshan Afzal,
Faisal Yasin
Pages 9 - 12
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The two main sources of caffeine in the adult diet in North America are coffee (60 to 75%) and tea (15 to 30%), although caffeinated soft drinks and chocolate are primary sources of caffeine in kids’ diets. An algorithm can generate topological indices, which are mathematical representations of molecules that can be applied to their structure. The degree-based topological indices for the aforementioned antiviral medications have been examined in the current work using a polynomial technique. Caffeine is a significant component in various medications, with different prescription (30 to 100 milligrams per tablet), over-the-counter (15 to 200 milligrams per tablet or pill), and capsule dosages. Topological indices are employed to describe the biological and physico-chemical properties of diverse chemical compounds. The adult acute fatal dosage of caffeine has been calculated to be 10 grams per person. While 6.5 grams of caffeine have been reported to be fatal, there are cases of patients who purportedly consumed 24 grams of caffeine and survived. We have computed various polynomials including Hosoya and Harary, distance-based topological indices, and other important degree-based topological indices.
Research Article
Open Access
To Study Serum β-HCG in Early Second Trimester as Predictors of Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
Shivangi Rajput,
Jusmita Dutta,
Gaurav Saxena,
Konika Jainr
Pages 6 - 8
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Background: Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are a mysterious and clinically complex category of pregnancy problems that account for a significant burden of disease in both industrialized and less industrialized nations. The aim of this study is to estimate Serum \(\beta\)-HCG levels in early second trimester as predictors of pregnancy-induced hypertension. Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted among pregnant females in their second trimester attending the OPD clinic in the Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, JK Hospital, LNMC & RC, Bhopal, from January 2019 to June 2020. A total of 150 pregnant women were included in the study based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data was collected and entered into an Excel sheet and analyzed using EpiInfo software with appropriate statistical methods. Result: The study observed that the majority of pregnant women (52%) were in the 26-30 years age group. The highest number of women were at 17-18 weeks of gestation, and most of them were primigravida (39.3%). The mean \(\beta\)-HCG level of mothers in the pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) group was \(54297.8 \pm 22302.7\), while that of mothers in the normal group was \(27018.2 \pm 11255.7\). The difference between the means was statistically very highly significant (P<0.001). The sensitivity and specificity of elevated \(\beta\)-HCG levels as a predictor of PIH were 67.2% and 75%, respectively, with a positive predictive value of 62.9% and a negative predictive value of 78.4%. Conclusion: Pregnancy-induced hypertension remains a little understood entity, despite the enormous impact of its complications on maternal and fetal outcomes. The study concludes that the frequency of pregnancy-induced hypertension at a tertiary care hospital is 38.6%. Elevated serum \(\beta\)-HCG levels in women with second trimester pregnancy indicate an increased risk of gestational hypertension and preeclampsia, and higher \(\beta\)-HCG levels are associated with the severity of the disease. Women with raised \(\beta\)-HCG levels should be carefully followed up for hypertension, and appropriate referrals to a tertiary care center for better treatment should be made.
Rajput : To Study Serum \(\beta\)-HCG in Early Second Trimester as Predictors of Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
Research Article
Open Access
Biological Behaviour of Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion of Cervix Under Rural Conditions in Western Lucknow, India
Sharique Ahmad,
Jata Shankar Misra,
Subuhi Anwar
Pages 1 - 5
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Objective: The biological behavior of squamous intraepithelial lesions (SIL) is uncertain as most of the lesions regress, and only some of them progress to higher grades or persist. This varied behavior is common under rural conditions due to the lack of progression-promoting agents like Human papillomavirus (HPV). Methods: Rural cervical cancer screening has been in progress for the last 8 years in the villages of West Lucknow through a camp approach, and to date, 2980 women have undergone cytological examination. Among them, 499 women were diagnosed with SIL, and 310 of these cases were followed. The details of follow-up findings in these 310 cases have been analyzed. Results: Of the 310 SIL cases followed, 242 showed regression of the lesions (78.1%), 3 showed progression from low-grade SIL to high-grade SIL (0.9%), while the remaining 65 (21%) showed persistence of SIL. Among the 65 persistence cases, 35 showed regression of the lesion (53.8%) on further follow-up, while the remaining 30 cases could not be followed. Both regression and persistence of SIL were observed more frequently in younger women (21-30 years), while there was a low trend with increasing age. Conclusion: Most of the SIL cases on follow-up showed regression of the lesion. Even those SIL cases that showed persistence regressed to normal in more than 50% of cases upon further follow-up. Progression of the lesion is not common (only 3 cases). Attempts are underway for the follow-up of the remaining persistence cases and also those initial SIL cases who could not be followed up during the first attempt.